That being said, let me commend you, the writer. Your ability to see the blank white pages that sit before you, your mind racing and fingers tapping slowly as you channel your inner Tarantino. Meticulously crafting each word, giving a story its shape and bringing characters to life via your finished work; a product of sweat, tears, and caffeine induced late night writing sessions that is ready to be critiqued, ignored, loathed, or loved by us the PRODUCERS.
It's with these honest words that I it really too hard to use spellcheck these days? I actually received a script the other day where the writer either totally misspelled the lead character's name or over stepped the bounds of artistic license by adding 5 extra letters to a name not unlike Aleeshyia instead of Alicia. Are you kidding me? Whether it was taking liberties or an egregious error, I chucked it aside.
It's with these honest words that I it really too hard to use spellcheck these days? I actually received a script the other day where the writer either totally misspelled the lead character's name or over stepped the bounds of artistic license by adding 5 extra letters to a name not unlike Aleeshyia instead of Alicia. Are you kidding me? Whether it was taking liberties or an egregious error, I chucked it aside.
In the past three weeks I have read about 25 scripts. Out of that bunch, maybe 3 were worth my time. I'm not sharing this info to deter you, but to let you know why, for any given reason, your script might be rejected or rejoiced. There have been times when I've re-read a script and come to enjoy it the 2nd time around, maybe I was in a better mind set, or that particular genre was suddenly the "Next Hot Thing".
Whatever the case may be, I would say DON'T GIVE UP, keep plugging away, stay strong and be positive, because without you, the PRODUCERS are about as useful as a blank page.
And without the writers, us actors don't have as interesting of a story to tell.