Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So You want to be a Producer???

Another day hard at work, the usual: starting it off with a large coffee, script by my side, a shuffle mix of blues, jazz, and cinema scores compliments of iTunes. This is my life…the life of a producer, constantly in search of the next big thing, idea, or person to work with.

Coming off a weekend where I submitted a revised budget to director, Scott Glosserman for his upcoming project. Completed a version for a possible UTAH shoot and now putting the final touches to the OREGON version. I of course would hope for the latter as it would keep me home near my kids. But, at the end of the day as any producer will tell you, the cheapest most cost effective place will determine the bottom line. There are no line items that allow for personal emotions. People want results not emotions.

This producer finds himself with a little too much space in between gigs. I'm faced with a reality-check. I NEED TO MOVE TO LOS ANGELES. I need to be where the action is 24/7. I must heed the advice so eloquently stated by Gordon Geckko, brilliantly played by Michael Douglas, ”If I’m not on the inside…I’m on the outside looking in”. Don’t’ want to be that person. I think we all agree that being on the inside is the place to be. To be seen, heard, and taken literally. Though brief, I was in Los Angeles last month for 5 days- I had no less than 3 meets a a day…While I love Portland the best I could muster was a couple of actor friends and one struggling writer, all working out of the same office as me- the coffeeshop.

Like a small town kid with a big dream- Hollywood I'll be home soon...

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